Michigan House Republicans
Democrats reject additional Pure Michigan funding
RELEASE|May 9, 2024
Contact: John Roth

Rep. Roth sought $5 million increase

State Rep. John Roth on Wednesday urged his Democrat colleagues to support his budget amendment to give Pure Michigan an additional one-time $5 million increase. House Democrats rejected the amendment by voice vote.

“Pure Michigan is our invitation to the world. But under Democrat control, the only invitation we’ll be able to afford is a cardboard sign and some black permanent marker,” said Roth, R-Interlochen. “Pure Michigan is about more than just clever marketing; it’s about fostering connections, creating memories, and inspiring people to call Michigan home.”

Last year, the governor’s own population council reported that Michigan is facing extreme population losses in the coming years. Pure Michigan is singularly focused on highlighting the best parts of the state to encourage more tourism and potentially long-term residents.

“We need bold action to reverse population loss. Funding Pure Michigan isn’t just about attracting tourists; it’s about rescuing our state from the brink of irrelevance,” Roth said. “Our communities are hemorrhaging residents. Without decisive measures, we’ll continue to lose ground. We must give Pure Michigan the means to grow our state.”


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