Michigan House Republicans
Rep. St. Germaine issues statement on Selfridge proposal
RELEASE|January 26, 2023

Rep. Alicia St. Germaine tonight announced she supports Gov. Whitmer’s efforts to help strengthen Selfridge Air National Guard base, which lies entirely in her House district. The governor referenced the plan during her annual State of the State address:

“I look forward to working with Gov. Whitmer to help get new fighter jets assigned to Selfridge Air National Guard Base. It’s so important to work together in a bipartisan way because a strong Selfridge ultimately helps Macomb County, our families and our entire region. In fact, we need to treat SANGB as a state asset, not just a local asset. And with more than $9 billion in state surplus funding, we can certainly afford to allocate the funding to properly improve the base’s facilities and infrastructure.

“I also believe Selfridge and Macomb County are best suited to become the permanent training center for both the F-35 and F-16, and will continue to help make that happen. Metro Detroit already has the capacity and capability to fill the workforce demand. The sound of jets overhead is the sound of freedom, and it’s an absolute privilege to have Selfridge in Macomb County. I will continue to do whatever possible to keep the base strong and vibrant.”

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